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ASIC Design Engineer DSP Senior - Job Dresden, Home office - Jobs at Siliconally

ASIC Design Engineer DSP Senior

Who We Are

Siliconally is a 2019 founded #Startup, acting in the area of chip technology for wired reliable and functional safe connectivity. Our first solutions are automotive ethernet Phys according to the 100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 specification.

We are continuously searching for technical leads, senior engineers, young professionals and students to enlarge our team.

We are searching for the following scope:

  • Digital design and verification
  • Analog-Mixed-Signal design
  • Digital Signal Processing and Simulation
  • Functional safety engineering for ASICs, especially according to ISO26262
  • System engineering for ASICs
  • ASIC fabrication and validation

What You Can Do at Siliconally

Siliconally is a pure IP company. We develop several different IPs as inhouse solutions and sell licenses to our customers. We use an automotive grade engineering process with agile methods. The process starts on system engineering level that breaks down and integrates the sub IPs for our products with a digital on top integration process.

Our digital team is responsible for the full digital engineering cycle, which consists of breaking down the requirements into capabilities, features, qualities and constraints. For complex solution parts, we start with a lean dev approach to explore the solution and raise the maturity in a round trip process that is tied in sprint time boxes.

Our AMS team acts in parallel to the digital team with the same engineering approach for all the AMS related topics.

For complex algorithms, we set up the digital signal processing team. Besides our standard engineering approach, they do model based engineering to determine and validate the needed solution features.

What We Need

Besides all technical knowledge, you should have passion for ASIC design and development.

We work with the standard tool chains from Cadence and Synopsys and you should have experience in creating valuable results with these tools in your specific domain.

Know how in requirements engineering, systems engineering, functional/technical safety, scripting with TCL and Python and some management capabilities are a plus. 

Additionally you should be able to proove your know how in your domain by examples from your studies or professional job experience.

For all of you that are interested in synthesis, physical implementation and sign-off: We don't do that inhouse and therefore do not hire engineers with scope on that topic.

What We are Offering

As a young company, we are quit flexible regarding your experience level and your scope. Don't hesitate to send us your application and tell us how you can contribute at Siliconally.

We offer an attractive salary package taking your professional work experience and qualification into account. Our fulltime employees work 40 h a week with paid over hours. It makes no difference for us, if you more appreciate it working from home or coming to the office, if you enjoy working part time or if you're a workaholic. We are flexible and family friendly.

We work with our team in an open office environment in proximity to the Dresden Technical University. You can reach us via perfect public transportation in the city of Dresden, we have free bicycle garages for our cyclists and of course we also have free parkings for the colleagues, that drive by car. For the colleagues that join us in our office, we offer free beverages and fresh fruits. A company paid free Membership in Urban Sports Club allows your access to over 7.000 sports possibilities to stay strong and healthy.

We highly appreciate the application of female candidates and take care for equal payment for the same work.

Go For It

If you have any further questions, please contact us here on LinkedIn or via Email by writing to

We are looking forward to your application.

ASIC Design Engineer DSP Senior - Job Dresden, Home office - Jobs at SiliconallyASIC Design Engineer DSP Senior - Job Dresden, Home office - Jobs at Siliconally
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Siliconally is a 2019 founded #Startup, acting in the area of chip technology for Safe Communication Technology. Our first solutions are automotive ethernet communication IPs according to the 100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 specification.


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